Pet First Aid Awareness

Pet First Aid Awareness

While many of us have a basic knowledge of how to perform CPR or stop bleeding for a human, very few pet owners know what to do if an accident occurs and your dog or cat needs immediate medical care. Would you be able to get your furry friend to the vet in time? Increase your pet’s chances of surviving an accident by learning basic pet first aid.

Emergency Contacts

As a responsible pet parent, it’s a good idea to keep emergency contact numbers on hand at all times. Put them on the refrigerator door, in your wallet, by the phone, or anywhere you can quickly and easily access them.

You need your veterinarian’s office and after-hours numbers, the number for a 24-hour emergency clinic, as well as the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Hotline (888-426-4435). It’s also good to have the number of a nearby, reliable friend or family member who can help in a pet emergency.

Be Prepared

In case of an emergency, it’s smart to keep a few basic items ready to go at a moment’s notice, like a makeshift muzzle (a leash or necktie will work in a pinch), your dog’s travel crate, and a list of any medications your pet takes.

In any emergency situation, first secure the scene of the accident. Remove any threats to yourself and your pet immediately. This may include muzzling your dog, as injured dogs can bite even those people they know and love when they are hurt or scared. If you’re injured, you can’t help your dog.

The ABCs of Pet Care

Human first aid classes teach us to assess the ABCs: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. The same principal applies to your pet.

If your pet is unresponsive, you should first check his airway. Did he choke on a piece of plastic bag? Is something lodged in his throat? Did a bee sting cause his throat or tongue to swell and block his airway? All these situations and more can result in a pet emergency. Check to see if your dog is still breathing and if his heart is still beating. If his airway, breathing, or circulation are compromised, you’ll need to start Pet CPR. You may need to clear his airway with your finger or perform the Heimlich maneuver if necessary. If bleeding, you’ll need to put a compress over the wound and apply pressure, and splint any broken bones before moving.

First Aid Kit

Putting together a pet first aid kit is very similar to the one you make for human emergencies. You can buy a ready-made kit or make your own. Be sure to include a leash, necktie, dishtowel, or similar soft cloth item to use as a muzzle, or purchase a muzzle to put in your kit. Your dog may lash out in fear and pain. Securing his muzzle keeps you both safe in an emergency.

Include non-stick bandages, self-cling gauze, and paper tape to dress wounds in an emergency. You may also want to include a pet thermometer to help determine if your pet is too hot or too cold. Other useful items can include splint supplies, compresses, antiseptic spray and wipes, gloves, tweezers, eyedroppers, plastic syringes for giving oral medication, clean towels, blankets, and a natural product to help calm your animal.

If your pet ingests a poisonous substance, you’ll need to consult Animal Poison Control before leaving for the vet. Things like activated charcoal, hydrogen peroxide, milk of magnesia, and syrup of ipecac can all be used to treat poisoning.

When an Emergency Occurs

  1. Stay calm
  2. Secure the scene, remove any physical threats to your or your pet (disconnect the electricity if he chewed a cord, put the car in park, secure any other animals, etc.)
  3. Muzzle your dog if necessary
  4. Check Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
  5. Control any bleeding
  6. Call for help
  7. Start CPR if necessary
  8. Administer any first aid recommended by the veterinarian
  9. Splint broken bones before moving
  10. Get your pet to the vet or an emergency clinic as soon as possible

The best way to be prepared for a pet first aid emergency is to take a class offered by the American Red Cross or your veterinarian. You can also gain a basic knowledge of pet CPR by watching various informational videos.

If you’re new to pet first aid or afraid you’ll not be able to remember what to do in an emergency, the American Red Cross has a Pet First Aid App you can keep on your phone for reference.

Just remember, accidents happen, but knowing what to do when your pet is injured can save his life.



















April is national pet first aid awareness month. While many of us have a basic knowledge of how to perform CPR or stop bleeding for a human, very few pet owners know what to do if an accident occurs and your dog or cat needs immediate medical care. Would you be able to get your furry friend to the vet in time? Increase your pet’s chances of surviving an accident by learning basic pet first aid.

Emergency Contacts

As a responsible pet parent, it’s a good idea to keep emergency contact numbers on hand at all times. Put them on the refrigerator door, in your wallet, by the phone, or anywhere you can quickly and easily access them.

You need your veterinarian’s office and after-hours numbers, the number for a 24-hour emergency clinic, as well as the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Hotline (888-426-4435). It’s also good to have the number of a nearby, reliable friend or family member who can help in a pet emergency.

Be Prepared

In case of emergency, it’s smart to keep a few basic items ready to go at a moment’s notice, like a makeshift muzzle (a leash or necktie will work in a pinch), your dog’s travel crate, and a list of any medications your pet takes.

In any emergency situation, first secure the scene of the accident. Remove any threats to yourself and your pet immediately. This may include muzzling your dog, as injured dogs can bite even those people they know and love when they are hurt or scared. If you’re injured, you can’t help your dog.

The ABCs of Pet Care

Human first aid classes teach us to assess the ABCs- Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. The same principal applies to your pet.

If your pet is unresponsive, you should first check his airway. Did he choke on a piece of plastic bag? Is something lodged in his throat? Did a bee sting cause his throat or tongue to swell and block his airway? All these situations and more can result in a pet emergency. Check to see if your dog is still breathing, and if his heart is still beating. If his airway, breathing, or circulation are compromised, you’ll need to start Pet CPR. You may need to clear his airway with your finger or perform the Heimlich maneuver if necessary. If bleeding, you’ll need to put a compress over the wound and apply pressure, and splint any broken bones before moving.

First Aid Kit

Putting together a pet first aid kit is very similar to the one you make for human emergencies. You can buy a ready-made kit, or make your own. Be sure to include a leash, necktie, dishtowel, or similar soft cloth item to use as a muzzle, or purchase a muzzle to put in your kit. Your dog may lash out in fear and pain. Securing his muzzle keeps you both safe in an emergency.

Include non-stick bandages, self-cling gauze, and paper tape to dress wounds in an emergency. You may also want to include a pet thermometer to help determine if your pet is too hot or too cold. Other useful items can include splint supplies, compresses, antiseptic spray and wipes, gloves, tweezers, eyedroppers, plastic syringes for giving oral medication, clean towels, blankets, and a natural product to help calm your animal.

If your pet ingests a poisonous substance, you’ll need to consult Animal Poison Control before leaving for the vet. Things like activated charcoal, hydrogen peroxide, milk of magnesia, and syrup of ipecac can all be used to treat poisonings.

When an Emergency Occurs

  1. Stay calm
  2. Secure the scene, remove any physical threats to your or your pet (disconnect the electricity if he chewed a cord, put the car in park, secure any other animals, etc.)
  3. Muzzle your dog if necessary
  4. Check Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
  5. Control any bleeding
  6. Call for help
  7. Start CPR if necessary
  8. Administer any first aid recommended by the veterinarian
  9. Splint broken bones before moving
  10. Get your pet to the vet or an emergency clinic as soon as possible

The best way to be prepared for a pet first aid emergency is to take a class offered by the American Red Cross or your veterinarian. You can also gain a basic knowledge of pet CPR by watching various informational videos.

If you’re new to pet first aid, or afraid you’ll not be able to remember what to do in an emergency, the American Red Cross has a Pet First Aid App you can keep on your phone for reference.

Just remember, accidents happen, but knowing what to do when your pet is injured can save his life.